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Broken Hearted Page 12

  Eli stood up, walking over to pick up his drumsticks off the floor not saying a word to Cash. Eli composed himself knowing he had to drop the conversation before it got out of control. However, he promised himself, he would finish this discussion with Cash soon. Real soon. Back at the drums, Eli pushed the button on his earpiece and started to speak, “Ty, can you hear me?”

  “Sure boss, just hanging out waiting for the okay to go in and bring Eve home.”

  “I understand that, but we’re going to have to wait. Cash just confirmed that Faith will need to come to him for help in getting Eve back. I'm sure now he's in on the situation. So unless Eve gets to you and your men in the safe room stand down and wait for my confirmation. The reason Cash gave Faith his room key was to set her up. He knows she'll come alone and Trey won't know she's gone until it's too late. So you need to warn Trey. Tell him to let her think she's going alone, however, tell him to make sure he doesn't lose her. Have Cody get busy finding out where Cash is staying. Make sure he only has one room in this town rented. Oh, and check to make sure Mr. Moore doesn't have a room rented too. We don't need to be at the wrong place waiting for Faith. We have to be ready to protect her this time. You know Joey and Mr. Moore will try to kill her. This operation has to end soon before someone gets hurt or killed.”

  Ty was silent only for a moment, then calmly stated. “If anyone gets hurt or killed, it will be Mr. Moore, Joey and maybe Cash but not my sister. Not Eve. I'm off for now. I have the teddy bear and I'm going to check inside it for whatever Faith's father put in there years ago. It has to be what Mr. Moore is expecting us to hand over to him in two days.”

  Eli hoped Ty was correct. If he'd found the evidence against Mr. Moore and his men, putting them away would be the easiest part of this operation. Now all Eli wanted to do is finish his set with the band. And go home so he could go over whatever evidence Ty had found. So he could finally put all the pieces of this crazy puzzle together once and for all. Trey, Faith, and Katie left the bar, then Katie called her mother on the way to Trey’s house. Katie could be so funny even when she tried to be serious.

  Faith nudged Trey and laughed as they listened to Katie talking to her mother. You would think she's a young teenager with the imagination she was using to build this enormous lie of hers. She let her mother knows she'd be with Faith and Trey for a couple of days. She told her that they were going to fly to Key West for a mini vacation. Katie glanced at Faith and smiled as she listened to her mother for a minute, then Katie said, “That sounds wonderful, Mom. I didn't know Hemingway had a home in Key West. I'll be sure to take a tour, and yes, I can't wait to catch the sunset on Mallory Square. Sure, we’ll swing by and get my suitcase. Thanks for packing for me, Mom. Love you too, Mom. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Katie laughed looking at Trey. “I guess we should swing by my house and pick up my suitcase since we’re going to Key West tonight.” They all started laughing as Trey told the driver Cody sent after them Katie's address. Faith realized Katie was one of her best friends and she hoped bringing her home with them wasn’t putting her in more danger than letting her go home alone. However, Trey would never let her be alone. Mr. Moore knew she's close to Faith. They took an extra thirty minutes getting Katie’s suitcase and listening to her mother tell them all about Mallory Square and how the streets were filled with activity. She made Katie promise to bring her a souvenir from the street fair on Mallory Square.

  “Of course!” Katie promised. “I will mom and I love you however, we have to be going or we'll miss our flight.” Hugs and kisses are passed out and they were finally on their way to Trey’s house.


  Within minutes, they pulled into Trey’s drive. Faith was glad to finally be in a safe environment. She couldn’t help thinking about Eve. She checked her earpiece one more time to make sure it's still on. Trey glanced at her. “We'll hear from her soon, Faith. I know my sister. If there is a way for her to contact us she will and remember she still has her ring and necklace too. We'll settle Katie in for the night and take turns sleeping. That way one of us is available to Eve at all times.”

  “I doubt either of us will get any sleep tonight. However, it sounds like a good idea anyway. We need to be ready to help her as soon as she lets us know what to do and where she's located. I pray she can tell us where they have her.”

  Katie grabbed her suitcase and followed Trey and Faith inside the house. The first thing she wanted to know was where she's going to sleep and if there was any food in the house. Both Trey and Faith laughed as Trey let her know he'd show her to her room while Faith checked the kitchen for something to eat. Faith found some deli meat and cheese in the refrigerator and spied the bread still on the counter. She started making sandwiches as Trey came in the room. He opened a cabinet door, getting chips and paper plates out. He smiled at Faith saying, “We make a real good team. I don't only mean at work. I mean we’ll make a great team in life.” He walked slowly over, pulling Faith to him for a soft kiss.

  Faith whispered, “Let's get Katie some food and maybe she'll go to bed soon. It'll be nice to have some alone time, even if it is waiting and worrying about Eve.” They took the sandwiches into the living room for Katie she was already lying on the floor watching television like a little girl.

  Faith laughed, saying, “Time to eat and then off you go to bed or I'll call your mom and tell her you lied to her.” Katie reached for the plate and let Faith know she lied too by not saying anything to her mother either. They eat and watched a little television in silence. Everyone wishing Eve would contact them, but no one would comment on the fact she hadn't been heard from for hours. Katie finally decided to go to bed, however, only after Trey and Faith both promised to wake her up if they heard anything from Eve. Trey walked across the room, putting his arms around Faith reassuring her they would hear from Eve soon.

  He kissed her softly saying, “Go to bed now, darling. I'll need you later to take over for me. Please try to get some rest. I'm going to contact Ty and Cody, we have to decide if we are going to tell Dad and Mom. I've been hoping we could get her back before they had to know she's been kidnapped.”

  Faith took him in her arms holding him close and whispered, “We'll hear from her soon, Trey, I know it in my heart. If you hear anything please wake me up immediately. I'm here for you and Eve. I love you, darling.”

  Faith climbed the stairs to Trey’s bedroom feeling defeated and exhausted. She's not sure sleep would come, however, she would rest and be ready to take her turn waiting for Eve to contact them. Faith crawled onto the bed with all her clothes still on hoping sleep would come. Just before she drifted off she realized she would have to go see Cash. Somehow, she knew he knew where Eve had been taken and she'd meet him at his hotel room when Trey went to sleep. He'd never let her go alone so she couldn’t tell anyone of her plans. As she fell asleep, she felt at peace with her decision.

  Faith awoke to a hand brushing her hair away from her face. She reached up to take Treys hand, however, her hand went straight through the arm she reached up to touch. She spoke aloud, “Oh! It's you again.” She turned over then bolts upright in the bed thinking to herself. It's that old man who came to me when I was twelve-years-old. Faith recalled the old man came to her just before her parents were murdered. This silver haired old man came to her three times as if to comfort her before death came. Faith tossed and turned for about half-hour, thinking about the old man. Then totally exhausted, she fell back asleep only to wake up, finding the old man at the foot of her bed. This time, she saw him clearly. The old man had on a pair of coveralls with a long sleeve white shirt. He had the most beautiful silver hair, she had ever seen. Faith wasn’t scared this time, she knew he's here for a reason, however, whatever was going to happen would be bad.

  She spoke aloud, “Who are you and what do you want with me?” The old man didn’t speak, he just smiled and disappeared. Faith realized sleep was not going to come for the third time. While Trey was downst
airs, she decided to go ahead and slip out to the garage and leave before he found out she's gone. The only thing he left the keys in all the time was the motorcycle. Good thing Faith knew how to drive it. He taught her how to drive it when he first bought it about a year and half ago.

  She slipped her earpieces out laying them on the nightstand, whispered in the empty room. “Please don't come back to me again, old man. I don't know who you are but I know death always follow you.” She crept down the stairs past the living room door. Trey was talking to someone so he was distracted just enough for Faith to open the door to the garage without him hearing her. She glanced around finding the motorcycle and helmet. The keys were in it exactly like she suspected. Now Faith realized she had to bypass the security on the garage doors or the alarm inside would let Trey knows she's leaving the house. She looked around finding the tools she needs. It's not the first house she's ever bypassed the security on. However, usually she was going into the house not breaking out of it. His alarm system was extremely hard to keep from triggering, nonetheless, she's finally ready to leave. Checking to make sure she had the room key that Cash gave her. She checked the hotel name and room number. Chicago Hearts Hotel and room number three-ten. It was always room three-ten no matter what hotel. That was Cash's signature.

  Too much thinking, Faith knew could get her caught in the garage by Trey. So opening the garage door, she pushed the motorcycle out into the darkness and down the drive. Faith hoped she was far enough away that Trey wouldn’t hear the engine start up. Faith drove away into the night. She knew Cash would think she's there because she loved him. However, she must make him understand she loved Trey and needed his help to find Eve. Cash knew Eve better than anyone but Joey. Faith shuddered thinking what Joey would do to her if he could get her alone. Her only chance was Cash. So she would take her chance and meet him alone. Faith had no clue she would be walking into a set up. A set up planned by Mr. Moore himself.


  Eve woke up with a pounding headache. She was so disoriented that she thought she remembered hearing voices, however, she couldn't open her eyes to see. She thought she heard Roni and maybe Joey, but the other man, Eve knew she had never heard his voice before. She slowly opened her eyes. Trying to focus almost makes her passed out again. This time she knew she's alone. This would be her only chance to get help from her brothers. She whispered, “Please say you hear me.”

  Trey jumped out of the chair he's been sitting in almost shouting. “Eve, where are you? What happened to you?”

  Ty stopped Trey by saying, “Eve, look around you, honey. What do you see? Do you know where you're at baby girl?”

  Eve softly whispered, “I'm in your office, Ty, right by the safe room. However, I'm in some kind of cage. It looks like a big dog kennel. I think they’re all gone now. I heard Roni say, ’Faith will go to Cash and I want to be there for the surprise.’ “Please come and get me. They drugged to me and hit me over the head. I'm too weak, Ty.”

  Ty exclaimed to Eli, “We’re going into get her out now. Sounds like you need to see if Faith is asleep. Don't let her go anywhere alone.”

  “Okay, we have it on this end with Faith and you get Eve out and get her to the hospital. We'll keep in touch.”

  Eli told Trey, “Check on Faith now and get back to me as soon as possible.”

  Trey bolted up the stairs to his bedroom only to find it empty. Faith earpieces were lying on the nightstand beside the bed. He ran into Katie's room, hoping to find her there. He woke Katie up asking her had she seen Faith. A scared look crosses Katie face. She questioned, “No! Why? Where is she Trey? She supposed to be asleep.”

  Trey turned around running down the stairs, making his way into the garage. At one glance, he saw his motorcycle was gone. He couldn’t believe she slipped out of the house. She even bypassed his alarm. God, she's good he thought to himself.

  Touching his earpiece, Trey told everyone online, “Faith is gone, guys. She left sometime within the last hour and a half. Cody, what have you found out about the hotel? Where is Cash staying?”

  “Well, Trey, that's where we have a problem. Two rooms have been rented. One under Cash's name and the other under Mr. Moore's name. Two different hotel rooms so how do we know which one she went to.”

  Trey thought for a second, then said, “Her key was blue, Cody, her key was from Chicago Hearts Hotel. Who's listed there?”

  “Mr. Moore is in room three-ten, Trey. I hope you're right. We’ll meet you there.”

  Eli broke in, “I’m the closest one to the hotel, no one make a move without me saying so. Do you hear me guys. I mean it!”

  Even Trey said, “Yes, sir.”

  Trey jumped in the car leaving Katie behind. Telling her to lock the doors and wait. The blood was racing through his veins like fire. If anyone hurt Faith he knew he'd kill them himself. He prayed the whole way there Faith would be all right and that she'd play everything smart. Because she's a brilliant detective and he’d seen her work before, but this time, he's not by her side. She's without her back up again. Trey was so afraid he’d lose Faith again. He felt like they had just found each other and now she might be gone again. He's not sure where Cash fit into this picture, however, he knew it couldn’t be good. Cash had only been trouble for Faith in the past. She's not a young teenage girl anymore. She's a brilliant, beautiful woman who wouldn’t let him in her life again. Trey just wished she had waited for him to go with her. He knew he had to get there to save her before danger struck again.


  Faith's heart almost stopped a beat as she knocked on the door to room three three-ten. She had the key, however, she couldn’t bring herself to slide it into the door. From somewhere far away, she seemed to hear Trey say, “I love you Faith. Please be careful.”

  She instantly reached up and unhooked the latch to her knife case under her bra. She unsnapped her holster to make sure her gun was ready. She took a deep breath as the door opened to Cash standing there with his shirt off in only his sweatpants. She couldn’t help but think how handsome he was right now.

  Shaking her head as if to clear her mind, she said, “We need to talk, Cash. May I come in?”

  “Sure, Faith, I've been waiting for you all night darling.” He reached for her but she pulled away.

  “We have to talk, Cash. I know you know where Eve has been taken. Please find it in your heart to help me.”

  “Faith none of what is going on is my fault. I love you and I want to have you back. All you have to do is tell me where the information about Mr. Moore's family is at now. We know Trey’s men will find out everything is inside your teddy bear. We're not stupid Faith that's the only place Mr. Moore didn't look years ago.”

  “In my bear that my father gave me? I didn’t know that Cash. How will Trey’s men figure it out if I didn’t? Cash how long have you been working for Mr. Moore? I thought you really loved me. All this time you wanted me for the information I could give you. And if Mr. Moore thinks the information is in my old teddy bear. Why didn’t he just go to the storage locker and get it? He didn’t need me for that Cash. He has a key to that locker himself.”

  “No, Faith that's not true. I didn't get involved until this time. I owe Mr. Moore big time. And he didn’t know about the teddy bear until tonight. When Roni said she overheard someone mention a teddy bear. Sloppy work on someone’s part. I’m sorry I had to make a deal with Mr. Moore, Faith. He has someone I need and love really bad and I have someone he needs really bad too. I owed him a lot of money for a gambling debt. I couldn’t pay him back. So we made a deal. And I'm sorry that you are the payment, darling.”

  Faith was stunned by what Cash was telling her. Roni overheard them talking but how and when. They hadn’t figured out that the information was in the teddy bear. Unless Roni was close to Ty or Eve. Oh, God! This had to stop now.

  Cash reached out and brushed the stray hairs from Faith's face. Faith stepped back out of his reach as the adjoining doo
r opened to the other room next to them. In walked Mr. Moore and Roni. Mr. Moore was smiling his evil and despicable smile. Faith realized she's outnumbered and no one knew where she's at right now. She took a deep breath blowing it out slowly. She remembered the ring she had on her thumb that Trey gave her. It’s time to use the ring. Faith started to rub the ring as she talked to Mr. Moore.

  She decided to ask Mr. Moore, “Why did you have to murder my parents? My mom didn't know anything and my dad wouldn't have used that stupid information anyway. He wouldn't put me or my mom in that kind of danger.”

  Mr. Moore laughed. “He did put you in danger by not giving it to me when I ask him to, Faith. That's why they both died and you should have too. But that stupid kid couldn't pull the trigger on you.” Then he pulled out his gun and said, “However, I can!”

  Faith hoped Trey was in time to help. She felt the ring getting warm on her finger. Thank goodness it worked.

  Mr. Moore said, “Oh, Faith, are you afraid of me? You know what I can do before I kill you if I want to don't you? All you have to do is call Trey and tell him to bring the teddy bear to me and Eve will go free. However, you will never go free. You're going to die tonight!”

  Roni started to cry. “Daddy, please let Faith go. She's been my friend since we were little kids. Please let her go!”

  Faith glanced at Roni and said, “Roni, leave while you can. Please get out of here now.”

  Roni started to back out of the room and Mr. Moore pointed his gun at her. Questioning her, “Where are you going, Roni? I knew you didn't have a backbone. Now you get to watch Faith die.”