Broken Hearted Read online

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  He couldn’t wait for her to take them off! He stretched down and adjusted the rigid bulge forming in his jeans. She would’ve come over and sat on his lap. Trey realized he would’ve seized her hips and crushed her into him wildly. She finally took her thong off, throwing it on the couch where he would’ve been sitting. He couldn’t believe he allowed her to go, without telling her the truth about the woman she saw him with that night. He still gets a revolting feeling in his stomach remembering that night. Trey took a few deep breaths and pushed the buzzer. He’s impressed that she let him come inside her house.

  Still having a key to her house, Trey let himself in. She’s in the bathroom putting on some clothes, and he hoped she left his shirt on. He could tell she was furious and shocked when she opened the bathroom door to find him standing in her bedroom. He watched as she packed a few belongings in the suitcase he had tossed on the bed. Trey observed Faith’s every move, wishing he could take her in his arms and kiss her softly on her forehead. He recalled when they would eagerly wrap their legs together, making love with a desire so hot both would explode time after time. Faith brought him back to reality by throwing something at him.

  She angrily said, “Tell me about this case before we go to Chicago. You know I don’t want to go back to my hometown. How could you do this to me?”

  “I’m sorry, Faith, but we have to, and I’ll explain it all to you on the way.”

  Their drive to Chicago was in complete silence. Trey believed Faith was pretending to be asleep so she didn’t have to talk to him. When Trey pulled into his garage and opened Faith’s car door, he realized she was fast asleep. He picked her up and carried her into his house.



  Her heart was in his control.

  Faith awoke as Trey carried her to bed. She rested her head on his shoulder sniffing his sweet cologne. She slept peacefully waking up in the sunny morning. Trey either woke up early or didn’t sleep with her last night. She wandered down the stairs to the aroma of coffee and breakfast. She slid open the door to the deck. Walking outside onto the massive deck, Faith gazed out over a beautiful lake. The majestic sun began to rise over the horizon. Faith recognized now his enormous house overlooked acres and acres of beautiful land. The stairs circle down a small path to a dock where she saw he owned a large boat. She wondered when he became interested in sport boats. Trey came up behind her, putting one arm around her waist, bringing the other arm in front of her with a cup of coffee. She took the cup from him. She loved the smell of fresh clean morning air and coffee. The coffee and the fragrance of Trey almost overwhelmed her.

  He asked, “Do you like my new sports boat? It’s a Cobalt 240. We can have lots of fun with it later today.”

  Happy her back is turned to him she said, “You should be ashamed of yourself, young man! I can’t count the times you told me I lived beyond the salary of a detective. I have no words for the beauty of your boat, Trey, but I do know you paid in the neighborhood of seventy-five thousand for it. And the Yamaha Watercraft Jet Ski is more than I pay for clothes in a year.” Behind her, she caught him chuckling. She was reminded of the old days. When staying alive some days was a chore.

  Trey leaned close to Faith's ear and spoke quietly, “We need to talk sometime about our past. I still love you, Faith. I always will.”

  The knot jerked in the pit of her stomach. She discovered herself back to that night in the hospital, after Mr. Moore’s men had kidnapped her. She had went alone to talk to an informant. Trey tried to go with her, however, she couldn’t be around him after what she saw, and wanted no help from him. She was setup by one of Mr. Moore’s people who she had begun to trust. Meeting in the alley behind the warehouse with her informant, some men came from behind her and knocked her out. The next thing she knew, she was waking up with her hands tied together and her mouth taped shut. The ordeal in the warehouse was horrible and Faith recalled all she wanted him to do in the hospital was to take her gently in his arms, telling her he would love her no matter what those vicious men had done to her. She had turned her head away from him. She was still hurt that he had slept with someone else and still had the nerve to come to the hospital to plead with her that night.

  “Faith, please look at me. It’s not what you think. I know you saw me in bed with another woman, but I tried to catch you before you left the hotel. I needed your help that day just like you needed mine that night. I messed up, Faith. I’m so sorry for not being there for you. Please forgive me. Let’s talk about the whole thing and start our lives over.”

  The hotness of her anger came flowing back. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t understand who she was angry at—Trey or herself. However, right now she had to concentrate on breathing and not passing out. She decided to direct her anger at Trey.

  She shouted, “Leave me alone, Trey. Please let me go.” Faith wondered why he would bring her here to hurt her more than he already had.

  He moved around in front of her seeing she’s having trouble breathing. Even though Faith was a detective, she’s had panic attacks since the night she was captured and couldn’t seem to get them under control. That only made her angry, but she couldn’t breathe.

  Trey left for a few seconds, returning with her running shoes. He bent down and started placing them on her feet. He gently and softly whispered to her, “Faith, breathe for me. Remember when we vacationed in Hawaii and the breeze off the ocean would come like the waves to us. Breathe in the ocean air. Breathe out the pain. Let the ocean take you away to our favorite spot on the beach.”

  She couldn’t help but reminisce about the wonderful time they had walked the beach and playing in the waves. She remembered running along the beach laugh and jumping the waves. She loved the feel of the ocean breeze on her face.

  He praised her, “Good job! Do you feel better now? Keep breathing in the ocean air, and letting out all the pain, Faith.”

  She shook her head “yes” as he reached for her hand. Faith realized they’re going for a run. She hadn’t ran since they split up. That was something they loved to do together. She needed this run today and she needed him. Running with Trey seemed so natural and serene. She could appreciate the enormous lake from their path and all its beauty. She would love to spend the entire day exploring the beauty of the woods around them. Then have a picnic by the lake. However, she understood today would be the beginning to some long, exhausting hours for them both.

  Faith wondered why Trey would bring her back to her hometown. He knew she never wanted to see that place again. Unless something horrible had happened and without him telling her, he brought her to his house to keep her safe, from what or who was the question? The burning sensation in her thighs began to hurt now. She tried to ignore the pain and push through it. Wow, the burning was getting worse. Afraid she may overdo her first day, she gazed over and Trey hadn’t broken a sweat. He seemed to be in a deep concentration about something. She’s not sure how far they’d gone, but she needed to stretch her legs. Faith was just getting ready to tell Trey to stop when she hit a good size rock and turned her ankle. She fell and it definitely wasn’t graceful! The pain in her ankle was horrific. Bringing tears to the edge of her eyes, she refused to let them fall down her face, but she knew her ankle hurt.

  Trey ran back swiftly. “Faith, you okay? I’m so sorry.” He reached down, moving her ankle carefully. “I don’t think anything is broken, but we may need to get you checked out when we get to the house. Do you want to try to stand? I’ll carry you if you need the help.”

  Faith tried to stand up; her ankle shot pain virtually up to her knee. She groaned, “I can’t do it Trey, I can’t walk back.” He helped her sat back down, leaning her up against a tree.

  “I’ll be right back, Faith, just hang on, babe.” Before Trey left, he placed his gun in Faith's lap. He knew she always wore her own gun strapped to her thigh. Oh, well she guessed he thought she would feel comfortable until he returned with his gun too. That’s such a sweet gest
ure; the old Trey would made sure she felt safe before he went for help. He took off running at a decent pace, she’s comfortable to know he wouldn’t be gone long.

  She leaned back against the tree with sweat running down her face thinking, “What the hell have I done to myself this time.” She’s sure this would put her off her foot for days, if not longer. She heard a motor start up in the distance. She picked up his gun and unhooked her own. She tried to start crawling around to the other side of the tree. Then she noticed its Trey on some kind of off road vehicle. This she didn’t know the price for but she did know nice when she saw it. This off road vehicle was top of the line. Trey picked her up, and put her on the rear of the vehicle. He got on telling her to hang on. They sped toward the house. Faith couldn’t get to the house soon enough, her foot was killing her. Trey helped her off the back of the four-wheeler and leaned her on the side of the stairs. While he parked the four-wheeler, she waited patiently.

  Trey picked her up, transporting her up the stairs and into the house. He didn’t stop in the living room. He brought her to the upstairs bedroom, placing her on the bed.

  He tenderly whispered, “Don’t move I’ll be right back.” He came back carrying a stack of pillows, propping her foot up on them. He took her shoe off cautiously. Her foot was blue and swelling fast.

  Faith groaned, “I think I need some Tylenol and an ice pack.”

  Trey stroked her arm lovely letting her know, “I’ll take care of everything you rest.”

  Faith glanced around, this must be his bedroom. The room still lingered of Treys masculine scent. He bought back some pills and the ice pack.

  He handed her the medicine saying, “Remember when I wrestled with your refrigerator last fall and the refrigerator won? I pulled the muscles in my shoulder and the doctor gave me Hydrocodone. They will at least let you rest.”

  She took the pills and the water he handed her. She watched as he laid the ice pack lightly on her ankle. She intently looked him over. She hadn’t felt the softness of his touch in so long. He must still work out. The muscles ripple on his abdomen and she didn’t remember his arms being that big.

  Faith said, “When did you find time to change clothes or should I say take them off?”

  “I’m still sweaty so I’ll take a shower once I have you settled in to rest. I’ll be back soon. If your foot doesn’t improve by evening, I’m going to take you to the doctor.”

  She nodded, trying to pull the cover up over her feet. He helped her then went downstairs.

  Faith's left alone with all her feelings. She’s missed Trey abundantly and being in his house made her need him more. Her heart was in his control. He seized a loving, caring heart complete with hope and passion, slashing it out of her chest; he ripped it apart. Then he placed it into her hands as if to say, “Try to repair this if you can.” Then he walked away, leaving her to try to place the pieces of her heart back together. She wondered how they ended up in this senseless chaos.

  How did she fit into the case he is working on?

  The medicine started to work; she’s getting drowsy. The strongest thing Faith had taken in a long time was Tylenol. She experimented with drugs in her teenage years. She watched a friend overdose in front of her, she stopped cold sober. She remembered the day her friend died as if it were yesterday.

  The medication was taking full effect, so she thought a nap would be great about now.



  Death always shadows around me?

  Standing in his kitchen, Trey reflected back on this morning. Unfortunately, Faith came to his house without a clue why she’s here. They go for a run and she falls and hurts her ankle. It looked dreadful. He still hadn’t imagined how to tell her the case they would be working on may be her friends from Indianapolis. The family who raised Faith had three daughters, all on were drugs at some point in their lives. They were Faith's best friends in school. Only the oldest daughter had straightened out her life now, and totally has nothing to do with her family. Their father was abusive and their mother overlooked his cruelty. Faith lived with the Moore’s from the time her parents were murdered until she turned eighteen. Then she went to college, getting out of the abuse. Trey contemplated how he would explain everything to Faith when the opportunity came along.

  He warmed up the omelets and toast he fixed for breakfast. Slicing some oranges and apples, he set them on the tray next to the omelets. He poured the fresh coffee into two mugs he got from the cabinet. He’s ready to walk out of the kitchen when he looked out the window and saw the gorgeous roses. He ran outside and chose three of the loveliest roses he could find. He searched through the cabinet under the sink for a vase. Finally finding one, he placed the roses in it and set the vase on Faith’s tray. Trey hoped the medicine had relieved some of her pain so she could eat and then get some rest.

  Trey walked into the bedroom and finds Faith asleep. He started to set the food on the nightstand.

  She whispered, “Trey, I’m awake, but my foot hurts.”

  He inspected her foot again, saying, “I’ll get you some more ice and an ace bandage. That will stop the swelling. Think about letting me take you to the hospital now, Faith, just to be on the safe side.” Almost running to the bathroom downstairs, he got the bandage then the ice. He sprinted up the stairs and back into her room.

  She watched in silence as he wrapped her foot. He covered her back up as he set the food in front of her saying, “Faith, we should talk about the case as soon as you’re better.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed, not understanding why she’s here and shaking her head in frustration. Trey got up, going to the other room and came back with two folders. He handed her one of the files, telling her when she finished let him know. She asked, “Where are you going? I thought we would go over everything together.”

  “You need to read this one first. I’m going to take a shower. Please eat something.”

  Faith smiles, saying, “I love the roses, they’re a pleasant touch to breakfast. I promise to eat and rest, all in that order.”

  Trey laughed as he walked out of the room. He hurried to the upstairs shower. She hadn’t made a sound since he left the room. He prayed she understood and would be okay with the information she was reading. He sensed her fear and identified with her pain. Death always shadowed him. As he stuck his head in the hot shower, he wished he could be the one to crumble this time. He wished someone’s arms were around him to promise he’d never lose Faith to death. The only one he ever loved besides Faith was murdered. A teenager’s death that was preventable.

  Shana Weston was so beautiful. She was his girlfriend all through high school. She was a cheerleader and had always been popular. However right before their senior prom she became distant and started to hang out with some kids Trey didn’t even know. Then she broke up with him. She became a totally different person. Rumor had it she was using drugs and there was nothing Trey could do that would make her stop and listen to him. He would never forget her and this whole case reminded him of her. We needed to bring down a drug ring. If not for Faith then for Shana, who died drugged and found in a dumpster. He felt sick enough to vomit, but sickness wouldn’t come to him that would only be a relief. He finished his shower, throwing on some sweats and found Faith holding the file in her hand. Trey sat beside her on the bed. She reached across taking his hand.

  “Trey this must be hard for you too. I understand why you need my help now. We can do this—we will find this man and make him pay. He destroyed two families.”

  The emotions built in her eyes. Oh God, she was so beautiful. Trey couldn’t take his gaze away from those dark brown eyes. Most girls would die for her beauty. Faith stared straight into his eyes for what seemed like hours, but was only minutes and softly says, “I love working with you. I’m glad we can try to put some of this behind us.”

  Trey nodded, feeling only the touch of her hand made his heart skip a beat. There may be hope for us after all, he thought. He
r simple touch sent fire to his heart. He could scarcely breathe and his forehead was already sweating. She reached up, wiping the sweat from his forehead as she’d done so many times before. He took her hand and traced her palm with his fingers. He kissed each finger, suckling them. A small whimper escaped Faith’s throat. Trey leaned in and kissed her sensitively on her mouth. He let his tongue linger on each lip, entering her mouth with his tongue exploring inside. He backed away regretfully. Faith wiped away a tear that burned into Trey’s face as it fell.

  She softly whispered, “Don’t regret what we feel for each other. We have to keep our emotions separate from our case.”

  Trey turned down the covers on the other side of the bed. She didn’t even ask him what he’s doing and gave him one of her pillows. He rested his head on the pillow, exhausted and weak. The thoughts of Shana were still fresh in his mind, he had let her go a long time ago. A piece of him would always love her and he would talk to Faith about those emotions soon. He wanted her to understand he loved and lost Shana. Maybe she would understand why he tried to protect her all the time.

  He said, “Faith, can you put the file down and hold me until I fall asleep. Please don’t ask why. Hold me until I can rest.” He knew she heard the emotion in his voice.