Broken Hearted Read online

Page 4

  Eve drove her car for the hour-long trip to Trey’s house.

  She told Trey, “It’s a beautiful evening, so I don’t mind the drive. I hope you fixed dinner Trey, I’m famished.”

  As Eve drove to Treys, she reflected back to her last two boyfriends. She found her cell phone in her purse. Glancing down, she entered in the number that she’s committed to memory. Dereck answered, Eve half smiled, saying, “Hi, sweetie, Trey called and I need to spend a few days with Faith at his house. She needs my help because she injured her foot today. You’re welcome to visit or stay over with us if you like.”

  She heard Dereck softly say on the other end of the phone. “We spoke about our relationship the other night. We mutually agreed to be friends. I think it’s too early to hang out.”

  Eve agreed with him and hung up. Her relationships appeared to go nowhere lately. She’s not considering a long-term commitment. She’s protected her heart good since Justin left her and went back home to Italy, and he was tough to get over. Eve knew she’d love again one day, but not now.

  She thought Faith was awesome and couldn’t wait to visit her. Eve wondered how to get them to understand each other’s needs. Trey and Faith’s love came only once in a lifetime. Though Trey loved Shana deeply, she’s gone and he needed to move on. She wondered where he would be going now, but she knew he wouldn’t tell anyone. She knows Trey still loved Faith and she could understand how he loved her because she loved Justin the same way.

  She reflected back now on the love they had and it was good. After a tough day, she always thought Justin would be there for her. Love doesn’t always work out as we planned. Eve believed bad things happen to us sometimes to help us grow into the person we should be, and she guessed she’s still growing. She had a great job and a wonderful family. People in her life accepted her for the person she was today. Happiness was a state of mind, and she truly believed in love. Trey and Faith have a love no one would ever destroy.

  She couldn’t believe she’s at Treys already, and she buzzed him to open the front gate. Parking the car, she grabbed her bags from the back seat and Trey met her at the front door.

  “I’m so glad you could come and stay with Faith for a few days.” He said as he gave her a hug.

  “I hope you fixed dinner, I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving, Eve. Yes, I made you and Faith a nice Chinese dinner.”

  “Trey, I love you. You remembered my favorite food.”

  “Yes, Eve, of course I did. We’re twins and we both love Chinese.”

  They moved her bags inside. Eve couldn’t wait to talk to Faith. It’d been months since they spoke. Trey led the way upstairs to Faith’s bedroom, and she was fast asleep. Eve instantly felt sorry for her. She was lying with her foot propped up on the pillows and her hair over half her face. Trey tenderly moved her hair and kissed her forehead. She stirred but didn’t wake. He stared at the nightstand beside the bed. Trey handed Eve the bottle of medicine saying, “I know she wouldn’t take too much on purpose, but make sure you help her take them on time. She’s in a lot of pain.”

  Trey and Eve walked out into the hallway to talk. Trey said, “Hopefully, I won’t be gone long. You know I can’t be reached so if you need anything, call Mom, Dad, or the guys. They will come to you as soon as they can. If Faith gets worse, call Cody. He’ll come get you two and take you to the hospital. We just don’t want to blow our cover if we don’t have to.”

  Trey continued, “I know you two will be safe until I come back home. Remember the safe room and all you’ve been taught growing up. The guns are on the nightstand beside the bed. Make sure you keep one on you at all times. I hate to ask, but please sleep in the recliner by her bed. No one can get to her without you knowing and being there to help.”

  Eve hugged her brother close, hoping he realized she loves him with all her heart. They are tied in so many ways, and right now, she knew he’s hurting and torn between leaving Faith and doing his job. However, she knew his job had to come first to keep Faith safe. She told him, “Go and do your job. I’ll take care of Faith. I promise to keep her safe until you return home. Go save the world.”

  Eve knew she could call Cody, her younger brother, anytime she needed to and he would be there soon. Cody was two years younger than her, but somehow he seemed like an older brother to her. He’s always there when things got rough. If she needed him to kick ass for her, he would, or sit and listen to her talk for hours. He’s a special person with a soft sensitive heart. And she loved him unconditionally.



  Sex with Trey is wild, hot and crazy!

  Faith woke up to a soft light glowing across the room.

  “Trey, where are you? I’m hungry and I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Eve rose up from the recliner she was sitting in. “Honey, Trey had to go to work. I’ll help you okay?”

  “Why didn’t he wake me? How long will he be gone?”

  Eve helped Faith up, walking her to the bathroom as she spoke, “He will be gone for about four days. You were sleeping, he didn’t want to disturb you.”

  Faith’s furious. “That’s something he would do. Bring me here and leave me, stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hate him.”

  Eve laughed. “I hate him every other day. Faith, it’s okay his job saves lives.”

  His job’s important, but she hated being alone. She loved having Eve visit, but it’s just not the same without Trey. However, she had missed Eve’s friendship so much. Faith knew they would have fun for a few days while she recovered. When her ankle was well, she would begin working on the case at hand. He could go off and save the world. Faith glanced over at Eve, she’s a beautiful woman, her dark hair, dark eyes and olive skin, what man wouldn’t want to be her boyfriend.

  Eve caught Faith staring at her and said, “Are we having a moment and you forgot to tell me?”

  “No, we aren’t having a moment, and if you say that again, I’ll kick your ass. Why aren’t you in a relationship Eve? Please don’t tell me you’re like your brother. One broken heart and you’re done.”

  “Treys heart’s been broken, but he’ll be fine and so will I. He fixed us a delicious supper. I’ll go get it. We can eat right here. I want to watch TV. We can girl talk and I can fall asleep in that recliner half drunk. Hope everything sounds good to you.”

  She turned and went downstairs. Faith picked her cell phone up and tried to call Trey. He would be using another phone until this job’s finished. She’d have to wait for him to call her and he would. He would call soon because he couldn’t stand not knowing what was going on at home.

  Trey made a wonderful dinner for Eve and Faith. Including a batch of his marvelous brownies that Faith loved. Eve sat cross-legged on the bed beside Faith. They shared the bottle of wine she had brought to their meal. Faith wanted to watch her favorite show NCIS and as usual, Eve didn’t. They flipped a coin and Eve won. Faith’s so glad for the two glasses of wine. Maybe she could get through the movie Eve chose for them. Without the pain pills, her foot hurt, but a couple more glasses of wine should help.

  “Eve, would you care to stop the movie and get us some more wine.”

  “Sure, I bet your foot hurts. First, let me unwrap it and let it rest a few minutes. I’ll get a new ice pack too. Trey told me how to take care of you. He even said if you start to run a fever I should get Cody to come and get us to the hospital. So, please don’t run a fever. I’m worried about you anyway.”

  Faith looked at the deep, deep bruises forming on her swollen ankle. “Do you know where Trey puts his cooler?”

  “Last time I saw it, he had it in the utility room.”

  Faith told her to put the ice in it and the wine and bring it upstairs. That way she didn’t have to run up and down the stairs. She hurried off and Faith rose up to examine her ankle closer. Yuck! She couldn’t believe Trey left her stranded with Eve. He must’ve not been too worried about keeping her safe.

They fell asleep early the way Eve wanted to half drunk. The days turned into a week. Faith’s foot didn’t hurt as bad now, but she still limped. Eve got groceries when she went to town on business. Faith couldn’t believe Trey hadn’t called. Eve left her laptop so Faith could get started on the Tallberg case. She tied into the link Trey gave her before he left. Nothing had changed in the file, except someone added more statements from friends and family. The little girl was in foster care and hadn’t spoken a word since the murders. In a couple more days, if Trey wasn’t back, she’s going to the crime scene. She talked to one of the investigating officers by phone. He would help her anyway he could, and she made an appointment with him for Friday at three o’clock in the afternoon to meet the little girl.

  Friday came and went. They get nothing from four–year-old Tara. She held her doll close to her small framed body and cried. They left her cuddled in the arms of her foster mom. Time went by too slow. Three weeks has past and Trey hadn’t come home yet. Eve was working in town a couple of days a week, but she stayed every night. It’s like a slumber party, eat, drink, and be merry was her motto. She still slept in the recliner by Faith’s bed. Faith knew she’s afraid to sleep in the other bedroom. Faith felt anxious tonight, she’s not sure what’s wrong. The knot in her stomach told her something bad was getting ready to happen. It’s the detective in her.

  They decided to go downstairs and fix dinner together tonight. Since Eve hated to cook and Faith was feeling like her old self tonight.

  She told Eve, “You can make the salad and I’ll prepare the spaghetti.”

  They wanted wine for dinner so Faith walked downstairs to the wine cellar to bring back some of Trey’s best wine. She picked out a couple of exquisite bottles and started climbing the stairs when she heard Eve scream. She dropped the wine bottles, letting them crash to the floor. She ran up the stairs even though her foot hurt. She unfastened the knife under her bra, withdrawing it with her left hand. Unlatching her holster, she pulled the gun out with her right hand. She reached the top of the stairs and carefully looked both ways. Eve’s screams were coming from the kitchen; Faith slowly went to the kitchen door. She smelled the smoke even before she entered the room. Eve’s lying on the floor with a wet rag over her mouth and nose.

  “Eve what happened? Don’t move. Tell me quick?”

  “Someone threw something in the kitchen window. I grabbed it and threw it back out.” Eve cried hysterically.

  Faith softly told her to crawl over to her and don’t stand up. They needed to get upstairs. “You did a great job, Eve. Who says you can’t be a cop?”

  “Don’t you think we have enough badges in this crazy family?”

  “Maybe we do. However, I think you would make a great one! Now come on upstairs with me.”

  Eve’s convinced someone’s coming to kill them. All Faith could do is reassure her that they’re not going out. And no one could get inside the house. Faith snatched the biggest knife in the knife block and gave it to Eve.

  She said, “Keep this with you at all times. When we go upstairs, I’ll give you one of Trey’s pistols. I know he taught you how to shoot this past summer. Let’s go now. I’m already calling Cody’s number.”

  He answered the first ring. “Detective Cody Branson,” he said.

  Faith quickly explained the situation and where they were in the house.

  “Don’t move, I’ll be right there. Have you called the police yet?”

  “No, you are the police and I know Trey doesn’t want my cover blew. Remember, I’m supposed to be his girlfriend for this sting operation. If he hasn’t got himself killed.”

  Cody laughed. “Tell Eve I said stop crying, man up, and settle down. And I’m sure Trey hasn’t got himself hurt.”

  “How do you know? Have you talked to him yet?

  “That’s how I know he’s alright Faith. We haven’t heard from anyone yet.”

  “Okay, Cody, I know the drill. I don’t have to like it though.”

  “Please tell Eve to stop crying and to settle down.”

  Faith told her what he said and Eve laughed. Putting down her cell phone, Faith let Eve know dinner would be late.

  Eve grabbed the phone. “Dinner will not be late. I almost died and I’m starving. Cody, don’t you come to this house without food or I’ll hurt you.”

  Whatever he said made her laugh. Faith gave her one of Trey’s pistols and they go over how to load and unload the gun. Cody made the twenty minute drive to the house in ten. He walked in carrying two sacks of food. Eve grabbed them and started going through them. She’s so funny. She’s like a little puppy with its belly full and happy. Cody checked the outside and finds the smoke bomb. Nevertheless, whoever threw it was long gone. He checked the security system.

  Coming back in eying Eve, he questioned, “Did you set the alarm around the parameter of the property when you came through the gate this evening?”

  She looked down and replied, “I might have forgotten. I’m sorry!”

  He walked over putting his arm around her. “You could’ve been killed, Eve. I’m staying here until Trey gets home.”

  Faith’s foot hurt and all she wanted to do was go to bed. Cody realized that and informed Eve to bring her food downstairs and he’d get her a glass of wine. He glanced over to Faith and said, “Faith, if you’re not hungry, I suggest you get off that foot and rest awhile.”

  “Thanks, Cody. I think I do need to lie down for a while.”

  Faith went to her bedroom and closed her door. She crashed on the bed. She still had her clothes on and didn’t even care. She fell fast asleep.

  Trey touched her shoulder as he turned her over. “I thought I knew love until you came along Faith. You have the body of a goddess and you consume me with passion. I need all of you, Faith. All of you.” His fingers slid down her neck, as he held her to him softly. While his mouth hungrily found hers, his hands began to explore her already wanton body. She tensed with desire pulling slightly away from his hands.

  “You can’t get away, Faith.” He whispered in her ear softly. “You don’t want to.” He moved on top of her. “I know how you like the hot, sexy games we play, Faith. Be my naughty kitten forever.”

  She moved in closer to him. Becoming one with Trey was so passionate. Deeper and deeper they plunge into a raging tide they couldn’t stop, and they exploded in unison. Sex with Trey is wild, hot, and crazy. She hungered for more of his beautiful body. She woke up drenched. Touching her chest, she felt the droplets of sweat that had formed between her breasts. Damn it, she realized Trey wasn’t here, it was only a wonderful dream!



  Amazing what a cold shower will do!

  Trey realized he’d postponed talking to Faith for too long; he’d have to call her today. Cody called him last night to fill him in about the girls having a visitor who liked to throw smoke bombs. Trey’s surprised Eve picked it up and hurled it back out the window. She was so hilarious. He could envision her now crying and blaming him for the whole thing. Trey’s pleased Cody’s going to stay with them until he got home. Faith was going to scream and shout at him for not calling her sooner. He needed her to come to the bar tonight. He told Cody to stop by and pick up the outfit he bought her to wear. However, Trey had a small change of plans, he wanted Eve to come along.

  Picking up his cell phone, sighing, he punched in Faith’s number and she finally picked up. A simple, yes, was all he got.

  “Faith, I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to call you. I know you understand how these operations can go on for weeks. I’ve been worried sick about you. I hope your ankle is doing better. Please say you’ll forgive me. I had to make sure everything was secure for tonight.”

  “Go to hell, Trey, you abandoned me here with Eve and didn’t care enough to check in on me. Now you want me to forgive you. Why should I forgive you?”

  “You will forgive me because you truly love me. But tonight, I need you and Eve both to come to the Dakot
a bar.”

  “Why are we bringing Eve into this, Trey? She’s not a police officer or anything.” Trey laughed.

  “I think she’ll be fun to have around and she’ll draw some of the attention away from you. I want you to work your magic tonight on the whole bar. Cody will have the outfits I want you girls to wear today. I’d prefer you look a little on the trashy side that is if you know what I mean. Faith, I want you to understand something, please believe I love you. Trust me enough to know as soon as possible, I’ll tell you everything.”

  “I wouldn’t go with you tonight if I didn’t trust you. I don’t think you love me. I believe you love the memory of loving me.” He caught the emotion in her voice.

  “I’ll keep you safe tonight, Faith. I want you to remember the basics. I have your back and you have mine. And we both take care of Eve’”

  He heard a soft whisper, “We’ll watch out for one another while we playfully have a little fun. Right…”

  Trey said, “I want to have a lot more than fun with you, darling, but one thing at a time. I know the case is unfamiliar to you. Sometimes that’s better because you walk in with a fresh set of eyes. Someone inside Dakota bar is selling drugs. We think it’s probably someone at our table tonight. Waltz in tonight and do your stuff, baby.”

  Faith grumbled, “I refuse to be a hooker tonight.”

  Trey laughed because she would be posing as his slutty girlfriend. He couldn’t wait to see the spin she puts on her outfit. He told her he’d see her and Eve tonight.

  “Trey, you know you’re a whore bag!”

  She meant the whore bag. Faith could seriously stay mad forever. Trey reflected back on his love for Faith and couldn’t explain away what she thought happened that night when she went into the hospital. The men that captured her put her through hell. She was crazy anyway thinking Trey made love to another woman. However, he didn’t make love to her, she made it look that way. Faith said she trusted him, but if she didn’t, he wouldn’t blame her. He would be able to explain everything to her soon. Hoping it wasn’t too late; he couldn’t imagine his life without her. Trey checked and there’s enough time for a quick shower.