Broken Hearted Read online

Page 7

  She tried to shake her head at the drink he’s handing her. She stared him in the eyes and repeated everything he used to say to her, as he would force himself on her. Faith didn’t understand what was happening to her, but she knew Joey hurt her long ago. She hissed.

  “Come on, Joey, I know you want me. What did you always tell me? Didn’t you say, ‘I have to do this if I’m going to be in Mr. Moore’s family? I’ll be like a son to him. He won’t hurt me and I won’t ever tell anything I know about the business.’”

  Trey leaned into Faith whispering, “We have to get out of here. I don’t know what you’re talking about Faith. You must be remembering some of your past. However, I’m going to pick you up and get you out of here now. Joey knows now that you remember him. You’re in danger baby, let’s get going.”

  She heard Eli in her ear. “Go with it Faith, fight him, but leave the bar with him.” She acted out of instinct and tried to punch Trey in the stomach. She heard him making sure everyone understand she’s going home with him. He picked her up planting her over his shoulder. She hit his back with her fist repeatedly.

  She yelled as loud as she could, “I have to stay. I have to stay!” She started to cry for the first time in a long time. Faith realized her past was coming back to haunt her all over again. Faith remembered what Joey did to her not once but repeatedly. She sensed the filth and disgust, taking over her it’s more than she could possibly handle. She finally breaks and yes, every piece of her heart finished shattering. She ached for the loss of both her parents. She ached for the loss of her innocence. In addition, she grieved for the loss of the two loves of her life. She would never be able to trust again. Who would ever reach the dark crevasses of her heart and put the pieces back together again?

  Cody pulled up in front of the bar. Trey tossed Faith in the back seat, climbing in beside her. Cody sped away asking, “Where to now?”

  Ty’s voice came on the air telling him he had a safe house ready for them not far out of town. Giving Cody the directions telling him the key was in the neighbor’s mailbox. Everything was quiet inside the vehicle, except for Faiths mournful sobs. She’s finally gave in to the surge of emotions that had haunted her all her adult life. She’s at last a broken soul and she didn’t even care where this journey would end. Trey reached over to soothe her.

  “You know I would never hurt or upset you, Faith, but you let Joey know you recognized him from years ago. Why didn’t you tell me?” Faith couldn’t believe she heard him after everything he hadn’t told her about this case. She wounded herself by trusting him to be a partner and be honest with her about everything tonight.

  Faith curled up in the fetal position in the back seat. She listened as Trey cursed but everything he’s saying is a blur right now. She understood someone was attempting to murder her, but she didn’t care at this moment. She wished the agony of her past would go away. All she had ever wanted was to live again in happiness and peace. Deep down from somewhere inside her Faith understood all of this was part of her job. She understood she must had blocked Joey out of her unconscious mind until a few minutes ago. Faith attempted to halt the thoughts that were flowing rampantly through her whole body now.



  Life has a way of coming full circle!

  Trey felt like an idiot. He determined now that he should’ve told Faith about this entire operation from the beginning. He left her in the dark about so many things in the past six months. He wanted to clarify to Faith that he understood the pain those men put her through when they seized her. They tortured her when she didn’t even know what they wanted from her. He hated himself for being the agent instead of the lover. He justified what happened the night he left her alone in the hospital by saying she would do the same thing if the situation was reversed.

  Now Trey’s sitting there listening to a broken, sobbing Faith. Where did his strong, smart ass, beautiful woman go? Maybe she’d been pushed too far this time? Would she ever be the same? The question now was would she ever forgive him for helping to drive her over the edge. Life has a way of coming full circle. Trey sat without a sound, praying that love was compared to the circle never ending. He might had a chance with Faith again if it were true. He had promised the Lord to never lie to her again and cherish their relationship for the rest of his life. Faith would always know his heart from this day forward. He reached out to console her only to have his hand pushed away.

  Cody brought him back to the moment. “Trey, we’ve got ourselves a tail.” Trey glanced out the rear window of the car. Sure enough, a dark black sedan was behind them with only the driver inside.

  Trey announced, “Well, let’s see who wants to know where we’re going.”

  Ty chimed in, “Hey, I’m behind them, let’s do our stuff.”

  Cody sped up, slamming on the brakes. He turned around in the road blocking the black sedan. Ty did the exact same thing from behind him. They hurdled out of the car with their guns already drawn. Ty seized the young black haired boy’s arm as he bound out of the car to run. Slamming the young man to the ground and handcuffing him, Cody and Trey turned him over as Ty got in his car to leave. Ty knew Trey and Cody didn’t need him any longer, and he had other work to be done. Trey punched the young man in the face.

  “Who sent you, son?” He lied there without uttering a word. Trey punched him twice more, once in the stomach and another in his face. He screamed out in pain.

  “Okay! Okay! Joey the bartender told me to tell you. He said to find out where they go and come back and report to me. I have one hundred dollars when you come back with the information.” The boy had tears streaming down his cheeks now. “I need the money guys I don’t have a job. He told me I could work for him. I can’t go back without the information.”

  Trey picked the young man up by the collar of his shirts just enough to stare him in the eye and lowered his voice. “You’re right, he’ll kill you. So here’s what I suggest you do.” Trey reached into his jean pocket, pulled out a bunch of hundreds, throwing them on the ground beside him. “Take this money. Get in that car. Go to the first bus station you find and park your car. Then walk to the first car you see breaking into it. I know you can break into cars.” He kicked the boy in the side. “Fill the car with gas and travel as far away from Joey as you can. If you don’t leave town and start your life over, you’ll have all of us after you.”

  He nodded and Cody told Trey, “Let him go. He’s a stupid kid.” The unbound his hands and pushed him back towards his car.

  Trey jumped in the car with Cody right behind him. Faith hadn’t moved from the fetal position.

  They heard Ty’s voice saying, “Trey, I’m going to lose connection for a while, but I put you a Jaguar in front of the safe house. I thought you might like a fast car as you already have the beautiful woman to go with it. Take care of Faith. This time, actually take care of her.”

  Trey wanted to curse him out but knew Ty’s right. He had let her down and he quietly vowed, “I promise I will, Ty. Take care of yourself, big bro.”

  “Both of you guys take care.”

  Cody glared at Trey questioning, “Is she going to be alright?”

  Trey shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. He hoped Faith would bounce back to her old self. Even if she kicked his nuts off. Anything would be better than hearing her mournful sobs. He had never seen her like this, not even in the hospital after those men tortured her. Trey hoped he could persuade her to trust in him again. If only she could find it in her heart to forgive him.

  They came to a stop in front of a beautiful old house with a fenced in front yard and a beautiful deck that surrounded the entire house. He gazed at the sleek hot Jaguar parked in front of the house, it’s awesome. Trey opened the rear door of the car. Taking Faith in his arms, he carried her to the front door. Cody retrieved the key from the neighbor’s mailbox to unlock the door. They said their goodbye as Trey carried Faith inside laying her on the couch.

e closed and locked the door. Turning around, he walked swiftly over and took a seat beside Faith. He gently started rubbing her back.

  “Faith, will you talk to me please? I’m so sorry this all came down without you knowing the full details of the operation.” She merely cried harder. Trey attempted to pull her to him as she battled him away. Through her sobs, he listened to her say.

  “Shower, I need a shower! Where is the bathroom? I have to wash the scum and filth of the night off me right now.” Then she yelled “Right now, Trey!”

  Trey jumped up looking through the house, as he took her hand and led her into the bathroom. She stared him straight in the eyes, as she gained a little composure. “Please leave me alone now. I have to find some peace through this crazy mess you have put both of us in the middle of.”

  Trey walked soundlessly out of the bathroom, leaving her standing in the center of the room. Faith looked around, wondering how she could have ever been abused and not remembered it until tonight. All she could think about right now was washing the memories away. Seeing the shower, she turned the water on and walked straight in clothes and all.

  Trey walked into the living room of the safe house. Sitting down on the couch, he put his head in his hand. He realized now he didn’t understand how to help Faith through this emotional turmoil. She remembered the past with Joey the bartender who evidently was abusive sometime in her youth. Then finding out her best friend was murdered and she led the murdered investigation not even recognizing Dawn because of all the plastic surgery that she received before the murder. Cash coming back into her life after all these years only made matters worse. Maybe the shower would help calm her nerves and give Faith some time to reflect back on the time they were together and the love they shared. Not being able to take the quiet any longer, Trey opened the bathroom door. Faith was curled up in the shower with the water running over her still clothed body. He lifted her up, standing her against the wall.

  “Faith, I’m going to help take your clothes off now, darling. Let me get your earpiece first, and then we’ll get your clothes off.” Trey slipped the earpiece from her ear remembering she’s still wearing the gun strapped to her thigh and the knife encased in her bra. Slipping Faiths top off, he unhooked her bra taking it off as he unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to her ankles. Then he unhooked her holster from her thigh. “Don’t fall, baby. I have to put your gun and earpiece away. I’ll be right back.” Trey hurried to place her weapons away only to come back and find her unmoved, however, crying softly this time.

  Trey removed his clothes then walked into the shower, picking Faith up holding her against the shower wall as he shampooed her hair. Massaging her scalp as he washed her hair, the sobs slowed. He took his time shampooing and conditioning her beautiful hair. Then he grabbed the sponge and body wash. He scrubbed her body gently. Telling Faith how beautiful she was and that he loved her. Trey realized she’s not saying anything but not complaining as he showered her off.

  Trey softly whispered, “Faith, I want you to listen to me. What happened in the bar tonight wasn’t fair to you. I’m so sorry. Please imagine as I wash you that we are washing away all the bad things that has happened to you. After we get our showers, I’ll order pizza and something to drink. We’ll eat in tonight and talk everything over when you’re feeling better.” Washing her body, Trey thought back to the time when her body was his and only his. Her body was so beautiful he couldn’t help but get aroused when he gazed at her soft curves.

  Faith took the sponge from Trey’s hands and started to wash his body tenderly. She started at his chest working her way down. He moaned as she touched him. Faith knew how to turn him on without even touching him, however, now she did nothing to entice or seduce him. Yet, Trey couldn’t help but tremble with desire.

  She finally spoke, “I know, I still love you and I want you, Trey. I need you in my life. We still have plenty of issues to work out before that can happen. I hope you understand.”

  Trey shook his head in agreement, saying nothing as they rinsed off then getting their towels. Faith dried off first, getting the robes that were hanging on the bathroom door and handed one to Trey. He took her robe, putting it on her shoulders and slid into his own. Then picked Faith up and carried her to bed.




  Faith sat quietly on the bed as Trey ordered pizza. She thought to herself, “Tonight has been the worst night of my life besides the night mom and dad was murdered. There’s so much to talk about with Trey. I want to discern why he didn’t tell me what happened to Dawn. He knew she was my best friend. I didn’t even recognize her when I went to the crime scene. What happened to her that made her so afraid someone was going to kill her? Did she think her own father or his men would come after her? What had she done to make her father want to hurt his own daughter?”

  Faith knew she broke emotionally tonight. Too much had happened at one time. She couldn’t believe Cash came back into her life again. She wondered what he thought when she left him in the restroom sprawled out on the floor. She’s sure he wasn’t happy with her. While Trey ordered pizza, Faith changed into some nightclothes that Ty must had bought when he prepared the safe house for them.

  After she came out of the bathroom, Trey questioned her, “Do you feel better now?”

  “Yes, but let’s not talk about anything right now. I want to get my thoughts together”

  “Take all the time you need. We’ll eat and get some rest; maybe you’ll feel more like talking in the morning.” They sat in silence as Faith’s thoughts went back to Cash once again.

  She remembered seeing Cash for the first time when they were in school. He didn’t talk to anyone. He was such a loner. Then a bunch of Faith’s friends decided to have a party down by the river. All the younger kids from town were going to be there. She saw him from a distance with those piercing blue eyes and rippled muscles that made him look so sexy. Faith recalled Cash glancing her way. The sweat popped out on her forehead and the hair on the back of her neck stood up with desire. She couldn’t stop fantasizing about what he could do with that gorgeous body.

  Trey interrupted her thoughts, “You’re thinking about Cash again aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I’m thinking about the first time we met. I didn’t care what everyone was saying about him. My friends kept telling me he was going to hurt me. I wanted a reason to get close enough to touch him. I had to get to know him. But he didn’t seem to notice me that night.”

  Trey laughed. “He had to notice someone as beautiful as you, Faith.”

  “No, he acted like I didn’t exist. You see, we had the money group, the smart kids and then the beer drinking, mud ripping, country boys. However, Cash didn’t fit into any of those groups. He was sitting alone drinking on the tailgate of his truck. I went over to him and said hello. He didn’t have much to say, but I lingered trying to make conversation. He seemed annoyed, but I needed him with a passion. He moved to leave and I said don’t go. When he turned his face back to me, I couldn’t help but kiss him. He pushed me away, telling me to follow him. He started walking way too fast. I almost had to run to keep up with him.” Faith stopped speaking as if she was going back in time to that very moment. Trey reached over and took her hand, giving her the courage to continue speaking.

  “He stopped underneath a big tree on the edge of the river. I was out of breath and covered in sweat by the time we stopped. He pushed me against the tree, grabbing the back of my head, kissing me.” Faith glanced at Trey to see his reaction so far.

  He gently propped her to continue speaking. “It’s okay, Faith. Please tell me about Cash. I know you cared deeply for him. Maybe you still love him. We’ll figure it all out a little at a time.”

  “Thanks, Trey, I want to work out my feeling for him and talking to you may help. So where was I? I realized I needed him more than he wanted me. However, I didn’t care so I started pulling his jacket and shirt off. Before I knew it, we were on th
e ground. He never spoke a word to me. He brushed my hair back and kissed me gently on the forehead when we were finished. He picked up my clothes, tossing them to me. He dressed, starting to walk away, he said, ‘Do you always follow strangers into the woods?’ He didn’t wait for my answer. I had to run to keep up with him. The way he was acting, I couldn’t believe we had just been together. Then he acted as if I were annoying him. I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes. The only words I could say were screw you! You son of a bitch! You’re nothing but a Jerk! Trey, then he stared at me and said, ‘Funny thing you say screw you. I’m pretty sure you just did.’ He got in his truck, driving away.”

  Trey took Faith’s hand and quietly said, “He acted like a jerk, darling. I don’t know how he could have been so cruel. On the other hand, I don’t understand how you fell in love with Cash when he treated you badly.”

  “That’s something I have to figure out Trey. Talking to you helps me see things clearer. I know hearing all this must be hard on you.”

  Trey shook his head. “It’s hard, but I want to know everything about you. You don’t remember some of your past. Please tell me as much as you remember. It may trigger your memory. So where were you? Cash just left you crying?”

  “Yes, my friends wanted to know what happened. I was ashamed. I couldn’t tell them anything. All I could do was cry and say he’s a big friggin’ jerk.”

  Faith sat quietly again, thinking back to her days and night with Cash. Then she continued to tell Trey what happened between her and Cash. She emotionally said, “Weeks went by, he never spoke or even looked my direction. My heart was broken. How could I feel love for this jerk with no heart? Something about him gave me a rush that I’d never felt before. I craved him even if he didn’t want anyone to know about me. He left town soon after we were together. I continued to wish he were still here. Everyone I dated or touched reminded me of him.