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Broken Hearted Page 9

  She whispered softly. “I want all of you, Trey, right now.”

  Trey kissed her again, saying, “Love is not what we’ve done yesterday. Love is not the hurt from the past. Love is today. Love is patient enough to wait for the future to heal us.”

  The waves of desire flowed through her body like fire in a furnace. Their heat rose again until they overflowed with glorious passion and Faith heard him moaning her name as the breathtaking waves of their amazing lovemaking crashed slowly to an end. Cradling each other without saying a word, she turned to her side and he put his arm around her. He’s an amazing lover; he satisfied them both at the same time.

  She heard him say, “I want you for the rest of our lives. Please love me forever.”

  Faith feared speaking would break the magical spell they had cast. Love was amazing. She would hold him close to her heart forever. Secretly, her mind was trying to tell her their love wouldn’t last. She denied her mind. Her heart would conquer all doubts. Faith thought to herself tonight was the start of the healing process Trey and I both so desperately needed.

  They cuddled each other close. “I love you, Faith. Come to me again. I will capture your heart forever. Our kisses are like scorching flames to my lips, sending delight to my trembling body.” They were lost once again in loving and pleasing each other for hours, finally falling asleep exhausted and content.



  Eve missed Faith and Trey terribly it had been days since she’d seen Faith and Trey. Knowing they were safe helped her deal with the loneliness. Ty said they’d be together soon. She had no choice but to trust him with all of their lives. Her and Roni exchanged phone numbers the other night at the bar. Roni called today wanting Eve to join her at the bar tonight. Eve thought Roni was waiting on her to make the first move. When Roni called Eve agreed to go tonight, knowing she wanted to find out where Trey and Faith were hiding out. There’s nothing she could tell her, but she’s going to make her believe she knew where they were staying. When they came out of hiding, they’d have a plan to solve the murders and to put Mr. Moore away forever.

  For now, she’s concentrating on having some fun with Roni and she’s inviting one of her best friends, Katie Keller, to come along tonight. She was a vibrant, beautiful twenty-eight-year-old who loves to dance. Eli would love to watch her dance as he played in the band. He needed a little excitement in his life. He’s too quiet and sad. He was in between relationships right now and so was Katie. Katie would make him laugh. She would bring him back to life. Maybe she would bring the spark in his eyes again. He’d love this wild happy lady with long red hair with black on the bottom. She had the most beautiful hazel green eyes, they were those come and get me eyes.

  Eve played matchmaker with all her friends. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it went south fast. Eli and Katie would be the couple of the year. She knew it! Eli was so handsome and he worked out, taking great care of his body. Katie wasn’t going to care that he shaved his head bald because Eve’s heard her say, “Bald is so sexy”. So let’s see what her matchmaking could do for them. She couldn’t wait to see Katie, it had been way too long! The party was on!

  Eve talked to Ty and he agreed she should stay at Trey’s house. So she’s inviting Roni and Katie over to get ready tonight. She murmured to herself, “I’m staying here because Trey has a safe room and I don’t have one at my house yet. I never dreamed I’d need a room to protect me, but with the brothers I have, I won’t be totally safe. I understand it now, but growing up when my dad gave me the necklace and ring, I can’t ever be without, I didn’t understand.”

  He told her. “This necklace has a stone for each one of my darling children and one for your mother and me. If this necklace goes hot on your neck, pick it up and turn it over. It will show you who is in trouble. They will be in a safe room and it will tell you where they are located. All of us know how to get there and so will you now, Eve. Don’t ever let us down because we will always keep you safe. When it’s your turn to keep us safe, I know you will do everything you can to help us.” They’ve had a couple of drills since she grew up but nothing real. She decided to make sure the safe room was secure before anyone came over tonight. She loved staying at Trey’s because his safe room goes to an underground path to their parents’ house.

  With the safe room going straight to their parents’ house, how much safer could she be? Roni had already texted her to see if she could stay the night. She explained that Katie would be here too. Letting Roni know again that she was not interested in her sexually, she texted back. “No big deal. I’m not desperate. I like your company.” Eve told her they’d be waiting for her. She assured her, she would love Katie. So the three of them would be here tonight, laughing and getting each other ready for a wonderful time tonight. What she and Katie didn’t know was so would Ty. He agreed they could stay if he was staying in the safe room. Sounds good to her, She’d sleep better knowing he was in the house.

  She looked down at the ring she’s wearing. Her father placed it on my finger saying, “If you ever find yourself in trouble Eve, rub the side of the ring with your thumb until you feel the warmth. Then don’t worry, we’ll be there before you know what is going on. The ring has a GPS in it and we’ll find you quickly.”

  She thought she’d never need the ring. But she had already used it. When she was about seventeen-years-old, she went to a party her father totally refused to let her go to. Someone gave her a drink and then the next thing she knew, three young teenage boys had taken her out to the park and one had a knife to her neck. They were laughing, drinking, and telling her what they wanted to do to her. She started rubbing the ring on her finger like her dad had instructed her to do. She thought it wasn’t going to turn hot, but it turned warm fast. She prayed her dad and brothers would come quickly. The oldest boy terrified her with the knife he was holding close to her neck. He swiftly moved the knife down to her clothes, cutting her top off and bra. Before she realized what was happening, Trey, Cody, and Ty were there with her. Ty grabbed the boy with the knife in his hand. She heard a snap of his arm. She saw the bone sticking out of his arm. Trey was already fighting with the other two boys. She saw blood all over them, knowing it’s not Trey’s blood. Cody grabbed her and swept her into his car, speeding away. Leaving Trey and Ty to finish taking care of the three boys.

  She asked, “What about Trey and Ty? Will they be OK?”

  He told her calmly and quietly but sternly, “Trey and Ty will be fine, they are finishing some business. I’m going back to help them as soon as I take you to Dad. He should be in sight in a few seconds.” Sterner than Cody has ever spoken to me he said, “Eve don’t ask about this night ever again. When we come in to help, we totally finish the job. What happens now is up to us guys and it’s over for you now. You will wake up tomorrow and come downstairs, pretending this night never happened. Do you understand me, Eve?”

  She shook her head “yes”, still crying, he had no sympathy for her at all.

  He said, “Answer me, Eve, now.”

  She swallowed hard and said, “I understand, Cody, I promise this night never happened.”

  He gave a half grin saying, “I see Dad’s car now. Eve please think before you go somewhere Dad asks you not to, okay, sweetie?”

  She quietly whispered, “Okay, Cody.” She jumped out and ran to her dad’s car, crying. He didn’t get out, he opened her door from the inside

  They drove home in silence. Eve’s mother met them at the door. Eve fell into her arms hysterically. She cuddled her as if she would a newborn baby telling her everything would work out. Her dad picked her up, carrying her upstairs to her room. Her mother and Eve were alone talking as her father shook his head walking out of the room. Eve cried while her mother explained she was safe this time because her brothers were there to get to her in time. She explained she needed to be more careful. If the family couldn’t reach her in time Eve would die. There were people out there who were after their family. Her
brothers and her father work every day to keep so many other people safe. She had to learn to keep herself secure. She realized then that they weren’t an ordinary everyday family. She never mentioned that night ever again. The next morning, no one acted as if it ever happened. She heard later the boys came up missing and no one knew what happened to them. Scary, but true.

  Oh, no. The doorbell scared her. It must be Katie. She said she would be over early. Eve couldn’t wait to visit with her. It’d been months since they could get their schedules together. Oh shit, she hadn’t checked the safe room. She ran into Trey’s office looking for the picture frame on the wall next to the bookshelf. She slid the picture over and saw the light was on. The security had already been activated. Ty hadn’t moved into the tunnel or the safe room yet or the light would be blinking. She slid the picture of the peacock feather back into place. She’s good, she glanced around making sure everything was in its place. No one had touched anything in here since she was here last, so she closed the door to Trey’s office. Running down the stairs to open the door for Katie.

  Katie Roberts scurried into the room like Miss Sunshine. Eve noticed she had changed her hair color again.

  She exclaimed, “Oh, Katie, I love your hair! The blonde and caramel colors go great with the red in your hair. And I love the black color under, it really looks great. I love that look on you!”

  She hugged Eve, smiling, saying, “You’re so beautiful, Eve, inside and out. You make everyone who comes in contact with you happy.” Katie started dancing around the room showing off her new hairstyle. She started singing some song she heard on the radio coming over here. Eve laughed. She loved all types of music, depending on her mood swing for the day.

  Eve told her, “Come on, let’s go upstairs. You can help me decide what to wear tonight. After we’re finished, I’ll order take out from that great Chinese place on Owen Street. What’s the name of that restaurant?”

  She walked over and taps her on the forehead saying, “Dragon Fire Chinese. We always go to that restaurant, remember when we shop until we drop. I love all of us girls getting together to go shopping. Christmas time is the best, but your brothers might not agree. They hate when we shop all day because sometimes all of them have to come along.”

  Laughing Eve said, “I know, depending on how many of you girls go with me. I’m so glad we all grew up together. This way I don’t have to try to explain why I’m never by myself.”

  She must’ve had a sad expression on her face because Katie walked over putting her arm around her.

  She whispered in her ear, “We all understand, Eve. We don’t know for sure what your brothers do, but all of us are safer with them in our lives. Now enough about family or I will get started about my crazy, mixed up mess of a family.”

  They laughed running up the stairs like little children. Katie knew Trey’s house well because she is a close friend of the family. Eve thought she and Trey were together at one time, but neither would admit to a secret affair. She caught them exchanging a seductive glance every now and then. Once at a Christmas, party at Mom and Dad’s, she caught them coming out of the restroom together. She’s sure they had just finished doing the dirty deed. However, if they didn’t want anyone to know their secret was safe with her. Katie had kept a number of secrets for Eve.

  They started throwing clothes all over Eve’s room, trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight when her cell phone rang. She picked up the phone checking the number. The display number was secure. She held a finger up to let Katie know she had an important call and she’d be right back. She shook her head in understanding what Eve meant.

  Eve walked down the stairs and clicked the phone on saying, “Hi, talk to me…”

  Ty’s cheerful voice said, “Good day, to you, Miss Eve.”

  “And good day to you, Ty.”

  “Would you like to visit Trey and Faith today? I understand you’re going out tonight with Katie and Roni.”

  “Yes, I am going to the bar again with them tonight.”

  “Why don’t you give Roni a call and meet her for lunch at the Chicago Hearts Hotel. Trey and Faith will be waiting for you girls. I’m sure you have mounds of things to discuss.”

  “Yes, I miss Faith so much and of course I miss my crazy brother too.”

  “Faith is shopping for something special to wear tonight. She and Trey are going to the bar with you gorgeous ladies tonight. I hope you pick up something special for yourself today to Eve.”

  “Okay, I will and I think I’ll tell them to charge my older brother. Like I did when I was still in school. You always got the bill.”

  “Yes, I did and I always paid it too.” Ty laughed saying, “I love you and Faith will be bringing you a gun. She’ll secure it for you along with your favorite piece of jewelry, your rose pendant. We’ll be able to see everything you can see. So be careful, my baby girl.”

  Eve said, “Okay, Ty, I’ll be careful and you do the same.” She turned around putting a smile on her worried face, walking back up the stairs.

  She texted Roni, she was so excited to meet them at the hotel. Eve decided she’s not going to tell her Faith and Trey would be with her. She wanted to see her face when she realized they are with them. That wouldn’t give Roni time to make any plans to hurt Faith. This way we had the upper hand. Eve told her to come at two pm. That gave Faith time to secure Eve’s weapon and pendant. Trey would occupy Katie’s time. They could catch up without interruptions. She told Katie the plans. Katie was excited and was finding Eve something to wear for the day. They hurried to meet the others at the hotel. She couldn’t wait to visit with Faith and Trey. A late lunch and a day of shopping with her friends would be wonderful.



  Faith smiled as she reflected back on the marvelous few days, filled with sex, love and most of all healing. Their nights and days blended as did their lovemaking. Trey was talking to Ty on his cell phone. She hoped Trey could convince Ty, it’s time for them to surface again. We couldn’t catch Mr. Moore and his ring if we’re not mingling with the enemy.

  She heard Trey say, “I’ll tell her to give Roni special attention today. Maybe she’ll leak something by accident, we can use tonight.” Faith walked over, running her fingers down Trey’s spine. She sensed him tense up and she reached around him squeezing him tight.

  He tells Ty, “If we’re going to be at the hotel by one pm, I need to get going.” He slowly turned to face her. She heard her own breath as she anticipated his kiss. He kissed her lips so softly repeatedly. He whispered, “Each kiss is sweeter than the first. Your lips are like a beautiful rose. Your love and kisses remind me of fine wine.” Her heart began to pound for his love.

  Their eyes met and she said, “Your eyes move me. I have never looked straight into someone’s soul before. But we I look into your eyes, I see Heaven.”

  He smiled, saying, “Oh God, Faith, I want to take you away with me in a pleasure you’ll never forget, but we don’t have time to finish what we’ve started.”

  She put her arms around his neck and he lifted her up to him. Carrying her to the bed, they agreed to be late but satisfied. After making love, Faith’s spent, she vaguely remembered hearing him say something about being late. She asked, “Trey where are we going?”

  “We are going to the Chicago Hearts Hotel.” He groaned as he rose up smiling at her. “I think we will have a late lunch with our friends.”

  Faith jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Who are we going to see? Trey, I am so excited! I love you, but I need people!”

  He laughed, telling her, “How about a shopping trip and lunch with Eve, Katie, and Roni? I’m sorry to say I have to be with you.”

  She jumped off his back, pulling him around to her. She kissed him, holding him, and she told him, “I wouldn’t want to go without you. If this is a dream, I don’t want it to end. I’m heading to the shower first you know it takes longer for me to get dressed.”

bsp; He smiled and bowed from his waist motioning toward the bathroom. Faith snatched her clothes off the dresser and ran into the bathroom to shower. For the first time in a long time, she’s secure in her thoughts about her relationship with Trey. She loved him!

  They would endure until the end. They’d be stronger together after being tried by fire. Forty-five minutes later, they were on their way to meet the girls. Faith was curious as to this Chicago Hearts Hotel so she asked Trey about this new place he was taking her.

  He laughed, saying, “I hope you like the atmosphere of the restaurant. It’s an old building that’s been redecorated, into one of the most beautiful places in town. There’s always a waiting list so Ty secured our reservations earlier today. I’m comfortable you will fall in love with the restaurant. The name is another story. I’ll tell you later tonight.” Faith was seeing more and more that Trey was such a mystery sometimes. She loved the way he told her what she needed to know just in time for the excitement to begin.

  They drove the short distance to the restaurant. As they pulled up to the front entrance, the outside was grand and elegant. They walked through the double doors to the most beautiful place Faith had ever laid eyes upon. All around her was beauty, chandeliers were hanging everywhere. She’s amazed at the luster of all the cut flowers. The hotel smelled awesome. It smelled of fresh cut roses and delicious food all in one. As she looked up, she could see all of the floors above her coming from a beautiful staircase ahead of me.

  She told Trey, “This isn’t a lobby of a hotel, this is a mansion! I must be so under dressed! Let’s go somewhere else, someplace casual, where jeans are appropriate.”

  “I think the waiter is ushering us in, Faith. We are perfectly dressed.” They walked up to the waiter. He nodded to Trey saying, “I have your table ready, sir, private and cozy as you asked. When your guests arrive, I’ll show them to your table.” They walked through the dining area where men are dressed in suits and ties and women are dressed in beautiful dresses. Some of the dresses were black and short while others were colorful and long. Trey acted as if he was dressed like all the other customers. The waiter took them to a long elegant table and glanced at Trey for his approval. Trey nodded and puled Faith’s chair out while she sat down. He didn’t seem worried at all about their appearance.