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Broken Hearted Page 6

The music stopped. Trey leaned closer to Faith announcing, “Hey, baby, I want you to meet the band.”

  She turned to stare directly into the eyes of Cash O’Connor, the man she loved so long ago. He came into town as a drifter. They were secretly together for the last year of high school. When he came back into town with his band a couple years later, they were together again then. He broke Faith’s heart twice in one lifetime. She gazed at him in disbelief knowing she could never be involved with him again. Even if her heart said yes, her mind must say no. Faith and Cash had a love-hate relationship. She was young and naive, and he was wild and on his own. He acted much older than his years. Looking at him now, Faith realized he’s still gorgeous. He had the thickest dark hair, she’d ever seen. And muscular arms, with the broadest shoulders ever. He had a body any woman would love to ride all night.

  She could remember all those blissful nights filled with hot, steamy sex. Her and Cash loved completely, until one day he left without a single word and never returned. He broke her heart, and she’d, under no circumstances, ever be able to trust him again. However, she’s certain she wouldn’t have to worry about trusting him again. He wouldn’t stay in town long enough to wound her again.

  The room started to close in on her. Faith focused on the exit sign above his head, trying not to have a panic attack. She couldn’t seem to get a handle on her life since the day she was abducted and tortured. She needed to remember this was a job. She wondered if Cash had anything to do with this operation. Trey started to introduce him.

  Cash said, “Well, well, if it isn’t my sweet baby Faith. I’ve thought of you some many times.” He seized her and gave her a big hug. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

  Faith knew she’d changed, but she doesn’t care what he thought right now. Her feelings were running rampant. Her heart was hammering out of her chest. She began to realize she’s growing weak. Something’s not right, she felt flush too.

  He said, “Guess who is coming up behind me? You know her too! She grew up with you, it’s Roni Moore. She’s the beautiful voice you heard singing in the band.”

  Truthfully, she didn’t hear a word Roni sang, but said, “Oh, my goodness, Roni, hi!” Faith offered her a hug. She could tell Roni’s stoned out of her mind. Faith fought the irritation that soared through her. Roni was still the same girl who’s a punk rocker that wore all black leather. Earrings lining one whole ear and a nose ring, that’s Roni.

  Trey stepped in to assist Faith. “So you all know each other? That’s great. I’m no good at introductions anyway.”

  She reached her hand out to the drummer of the band. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

  He timidly spoke, “No, we haven’t met before, and my name is Eli Bentley. You must be Faith, Trey’s girlfriend, right?”

  “Yes, I am, Trey and I’ve been together for….”

  Trey broke in saying, “For a couple of months now.”

  Faith breathed in deeply knowing she almost messed up. She announced, “Hey, let’s sit down and play catch up. Roni, you sit beside me so we can talk for a while.”

  The jam-packed room appeared to be getting smaller and smaller. Faith couldn’t hear the conversations at the end of the table. Trey must had turned off his earpiece. She heard bits and pieces of what he and Cash were talking about. Cash loved to chat about himself, she saw that hadn’t changed. Roni was so eager to see Faith.

  She said, “What’ve you been doing lately? Daddy told us you were some big detective in Indianapolis, but it doesn’t look like that to me. I wish he could see you now.”

  “Where is your sister Dawn now? I haven’t heard from her in so long.” Dawn was Faith’s best friend all through school.

  Roni, matter of factually tells Faith. “Didn’t you hear about Dawn? She kept saying someone was going to kill her. She had plastic surgery on her face, totally changing her appearance. You knew she got married and had a three-year-old little boy, didn’t you? She was my sister, but she started acting crazy and became extremely paranoid. We received the call about six months ago that she had shot herself.”

  Shocked and saddened Faith exclaimed, “No, why didn’t someone call me. I would’ve been there for you, Roni. I wouldn’t have missed my best friend’s funeral.”

  Roni looks so lost and confused. “Daddy said since Dawn lived in Indianapolis that you were the detective taking care of her case. I’m sorry, Faith, we thought you knew.”

  Faith wondered why Roni was calling Mr. Moore daddy. She hated him just like Dawn and Faith did. He made them call him Mr. Moore, something doesn’t add up here.

  Faith couldn’t believe this night! Too many people from her past have surfaced at the same time.

  Now trying to process Dawn’s death, Faith knew exactly the case Roni’s talking about. It’s still considered and unsolved murder. She worked the case with her new partner after Trey left. They didn’t find even a suspect in her case. The crime scene was wiped clean. She glanced at Trey, she knew by the blank stare on his face, he already knew about Dawn. The crime scene was too clean because somehow he helped clean it up. She had looked into the lifeless face of her best friend and didn’t even recognize her. Why did Trey keep all of that a secret from her?

  Faith realized she is going to be sick.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, Roni.” She got up to leave.

  Trey grabbed her hand and said, “Faith baby, where are you going? If you need a fresh drink, I’ll get it for you.”

  She mumbled, “I’m going to the restroom. I can do that myself.”

  He smiled. “Hurry back, sweetie, or I’ll miss you.”

  She couldn’t get away from the table fast enough. She barely reached the restroom before she became violently ill. Faith washed her face and reapplied her makeup and lipstick. She’s reflecting back on the night. No wonder she was so emotional. Cash came back into her life again just when she began to think she and Trey could have a life together someday. Then she found out she worked on Dawn’s murder case and didn’t even recognize her. Trey had been keeping way too many secrets lately. And it’s obvious he knew that she was working Dawn’s case. This night just kept getting crazier by the minute. Faith knew all she needed to do was settle down and see where this night would take her. She stumbled from the bathroom right straight into Cash’s arms.

  “Wow, girl! I’ve been trying to find you.” Cash exclaimed, as he shoves her back into the restroom and locked the door.

  Faith listened to Trey in her ear. “Where are you, Faith? Guys, she’s not answering. Start looking for her.”

  She had to think fast realizing she had to stop them from coming after her. She had a job to do tonight and her emotional roll-a-coaster was making it hard to think. She needed to be with Cash, if only for a few moments. Faith needed to listen to what he had to say.

  She cautioned. “Settle down, Cash, I’m all right.” Hoping Trey understood what she meant. Faith made out a voice that sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

  “You’re doing great, Faith. Let us know where you’re and we’ll settle down.”

  She told Cash, “You know it’s not nice to shove me back into the restroom and lock the door. What do you want with me?”

  He smiled. “I need you, Faith. Remember, I always get what I want and no one will ever stop me.” He started to reach for her as she threw him off balance, knocking him into the wall. She twisted his shirt in her hand, choking him until she saw his face turning a deep shade of red.

  Faith laughed. “Now, I get what I want, Cash! Don’t forget it!”

  They glared into each other’s eyes. That old familiar sensation was back in the depths of her stomach. Faith became aware of the fact that she’s not the young and childish girl she was so many years ago. She didn’t intend to do whatever he said any more. She’s trying to take control of her life and be her own person. Nevertheless, he hurt her so terribly she deserved some answers. Tonight wasn’t the night to discuss their past, but soon, very soon.

  He cocked his head to the side with a half-smile, he said, “Okay, baby, have it your way. What do you want me to do now, sweetie?”

  All Faith could do was slap him in the face. He stared at her and she slapped him again, this time even harder.

  He laughed. “Oh, Faith, I didn’t know I enjoyed pain until you gave it to me.” He kneeled on the restroom floor capturing her hand and lowering his head. “Faith, baby, I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll never forgive myself for allowing you to go.”

  Faith caught the emotion in his voice. She couldn’t handle the horrendous pain that was flooding her heart. She clutched the handle to the restroom door, unlocking it, and knocking Cash to the floor as she ran out. She heard him thump backwards into the wall. She stopped only for a second, wishing she could go back and talk the night away with him like they used to. However, she knew she must get her thoughts together. She needed the fresh night air to clear and erase Cash from her mind and her heart. She started to march to the table towards Trey but continued her walk straight for the exit sign. She recognized if she didn’t get outside and away from Cash, if only for a few minutes, she’d set back this whole operation.

  As she walked out the back door of the bar, she wondered what the future had in store for her with Trey and Cash. She hungered to breathe again, love again, most of all to laugh again. She walked outside feeling weak and all alone with her heart bleeding inside for the loss of both the men she loved.



  I could become accustom to this part of my job!

  Eli watched Faith run from the restroom. At first, she seemed to be coming to their table, then she headed for the exit sign. Oh! No! Months of hard work could go straight down the drain in minutes if she didn’t get control now. Trey stood up to follow Faith out the back entrance of the bar. Eli pushed him back down into his seat saying, “I got this buddy she probably needs some fresh air and I could use some myself before the next set. Sit here and relax. Get to know Roni and Cash better.”

  It’s plain to see he wanted to punch Eli’s lights out, but thank goodness, he listened. As Eli walked out the back door in his earpiece he told Trey, “I’ve got this Trey she’ll be safe. Cody where are you now? Faith left the bar through the back exit. Position yourself close to us but stay out of sight for now.”

  Then he heard Ty, “Hi, boss, I’m out for an evening run, heading your way now.”

  Eli’s glad to hear Ty’s voice. Ty is Trey’s older brother and was one of Eli’s best men. Ty was a loner. He would come in and do his job and be gone before his brothers and sister could even say thank you.

  Eli grabbed Faith’s arm and turned her around to face him. She struggled with all her might thinking it’s Cash following her outside. He caught her arms and pulled her into him.

  “Settle down, Faith, it’s Eli, you’re okay. I know what happened in the restroom with Cash. Seeing him again has upset you terribly and we all understand because we heard your conversation with him. Come back inside with me and discuss everything with Trey. Faith, don’t ruin months of work. Think before you let your emotion cause you to run out on this operation.”

  She stared at Eli. “Who are you and what the hell are you talking about?”

  Eli told her, “I’m Trey’s boss and right now, I’m yours too. So get your crap together. Come on, Faith, concentrate on all the people who are counting on you inside the bar. Let’s go back inside and finish what we’ve started here.”

  She remembered Trey could still hear what she’s saying. “Trey, I think you forgot to brief me on everything, you crazy Whore Bag.”

  Eli also heard Trey laughingly say, “I didn’t forget to tell you, Faith. I only wanted to protect you. Besides, if that was wrong of me, then yes, you can kick my ass later. Listen to Eli now and get your butt back in here.”

  Eli stiffly straightened and stills. He realized Mr. Moore is coming down the alley. He exclaimed, “Trey, Mr. Moore is coming down the alley. Stay where you’re at with Roni. Cody, are you in position?”

  “Yes, I’m here, but Ty are you close enough to reach them before me?”

  Eli heard Ty. “I’m coming around the corner of Second Street. I don’t see anyone yet. I have to be closer than Cody. Oh! Wait, I see everyone now. We can do this, Faith, hang tight, girl. I’m almost there,”

  Eli told Ty, “He’s coming right for us. He’s coming from Chestnut Street. I’m covering Faith but Ty I sure could use you.”

  “I’m coming from the other direction down the alley. We need to let him pass, so don’t stop him.”

  Eli leaned in close to Faith saying, “I’m going to pull you to me and kiss you. Follow my lead Faith it’s you he’s after.”

  Eli could see how confused she was, still she nodded her head in agreement. He pulled her to him slowly kissing her. He could get used to this part of the job. He whispered in her ear, “Can you reach your gun?”

  Faith whispered, “Grab my right leg and lift it up to your waist. Hold it up. Okay, I got it.”

  He turned her around, holding her body against the wall. He covered her with his body. Kissing her again, he heard Ty running down the alley. Eli prayed they have timed this right or they may possibly be in a lot of trouble. The man was virtually on top of them now. Faith made sure her gun was ready. Eli couldn’t reach his gun and secure Faith at the same time. He knew she was ready for anything that might happen. Eli heard Ty.

  “Hey, Eli. What are you two doing out here?” He ran straight into the man who was ready to pull his gun to kill both Eli and Faith.

  Ty said, “Sorry pal, watch where you’re going.” Ty came up standing between the man, Faith, and Eli. Ty said, “Can you see him Faith?”

  “Yes, he’s picked up his speed and continues walking.”

  “Hey, you better get Trey’s girlfriend back in there and stop loving all over her. Trey can be jealous. She’ll have to pay later if he catches the two of you out here together. She’s drunk so get her back inside.” He ran the opposite direction away from Mr. Moore. As he sprinted off, we heard him say, “Cody follow him, and don’t lose him.”

  Eli told Faith, “Go back inside the bar and go straight to the bartender and ask for another drink. Stay there and listen to him and Roni. She’s taking a break with him.” She nodded and positioned her gun back under her skirt.

  Eli and Faith walked back into the bar as the rest of the band went back on stage all except Roni. Cash had a solo now so Eli jumped back on the stage ready to play the drums.

  He told Faith, “The bartender is our connection to the lead drug dealer. He and Roni are partners. He keeps receiving phone calls and staring at you all night. Watch the drinks he’s giving you Faith. He is placing something in them. You didn’t drink enough to become sick earlier. I understand you’re confused, but it wasn’t what you heard at the table that made you sick tonight so be careful. Trey and Eve are your backup, they’ll help you while I play in the band. Remember, you’re not alone.”



  I’ll make sweet, soft love to you!

  Faith walked up to the bar smiling at Roni. When she turned to order her drink, the bartender already had the drink prepared. She looked straight into his eyes.

  “Did someone order a Vodka Collins?”

  He grinned, “I think you did, Faith.”

  She grasped the drink up saying cheers to Roni who touched her glass to hers. She drank a tiny amount of the drink. This time Faith noticed a bitter taste. She questioned the bartender, “Hey, do you think you made this drink strong enough.” Trusting Eli or Trey to understand she knew something was in her drink.

  “You want your money’s worth little girl, don’t you?”

  She folded her arms and placed them on the bar to rest her head. Pretending to be getting drunk and tired then she heard the bartender tell Roni, “As soon as she’s sedated a little more we’ll get her to the back room. Then I’ll go out and tell Trey she’s sleeping off
some alcohol. He’ll accept the story. Anyway, Roni I think he’s beginning to like you. So you can keep him occupied while I take care of Faith.”

  Faith quietly repeated everything she heard to Trey and Eli then she overheard Eve laugh, saying, “Really the bartender doesn’t realize she ask me to go home with her tonight.”

  Trey chuckled and said, “Make a play for her Eve maybe she’ll lead us to Mr. Moore.”

  Eve replied, “What do you think I’ve been doing all night. Every time your back is turned, I hit on her. She’s not my type, but it’s working.”

  “Eve, you know I was joking and you better be too. Stay away from her and don’t go near Mr. Moore.”

  “Trey, she really does think I want to go home with her. However, I’ll kick your ass if you don’t tell all these handsome men listening to you right now that I’m straight as an arrow. Right now, Faith needs me and if it means Roni thinking I’m lesbian then so be it.”

  Faith raised her head, giving the bartender a smile.

  He glanced at Roni saying, “I think it’s time.”

  Roni said, “Come on, Faith, you’ve had too much to drink. Let’s go sleep it off.”

  Faith stood up to go with them when Eve came bounding in between them and knocked her drink over as she glared at Roni. “I thought you said something about me going home with you, not this bitch.”

  Faith acted as if she’s smacking at Eve saying, “You’re not playing nice.” Thank goodness Trey walked up to the bar. He took Faith in his arms.

  “Sorry, Roni, she’s going home with me.” Then he turned regarding the bartender carefully.

  “Why don’t you fix Faith a fresh drink?” The bartender nodded. Faith turned to glance at the bartender; his face starts to swim in front of her.

  Then she reflected back in time, seeing a younger man who she recognized as the bartender in front of her. It’s a flashback from her past.

  He’s said, “Faith, it’s okay, I’ll be easy. I’ll make sweet love to you. Joey won’t hurt you.”